Sunday, September 9, 2018

Let go, and face your fears

Yoga! Today I practiced a "let it go!" yoga class! It was a very relaxing and empowering experience!

While meditating and over looking the Toronto skyline! I had the chance to contemplate how blessed I am! I am aware of all my fears yet, I should face them, live with them and eventually get over them.

This is the time that I should care for "me" instead of others, prioritize "me" and my needs instead for hiding and ignoring them. This is the time I owe it to my self to prove that I can achieve a new goal and step with confidence towards giving more to the world.

With all those positive feelings, I hold so much love and gratitude towards one person, who stood up in confidence and supported me in taking the decision to take a new path ... He shared the consequences and risks willingly and unconditionally ... and to him I will always be grateful ....

There still exist, human angles , on earth... To keep us believing... To help us go on! 

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

My fist orientation!

My new bag is ready, new shoes, laptop charged, water bottle, and a snack. Ready for my big day!
Today I will put a face to the name of so many virtual people that I have been in touch with for the past couple of months. OISE is a huge institution, and for the time to come for me, to become even a tiny part of it! that is such a huge leap!  

I got into the room, I was early as usual! I could feel the energy in the room, it was positive! Faculty members had sincere smiles on their faces. I felt welcomed, but I couldn't stop the loud voice in my head shouting out loud " you are a stranger!!!" 

I felt so lonely, almost everyone around me knew Toronto well and lives in Canada! I felt I was the only one who has no idea at all about what the hell was going on!!! 

I kept trying so hard to handle my anxiety in a positive way! yet after the session was done! I ran away back home!

Usually, when I reach this point of uncertainty in my life, I get fueled up to raise again and fight! This time I feel so weak and I don't know what should I do next?

Is it the right time to Quit ? Go back and forget about this dream! just lock it up in an old closet with all the old dreams that never came true ?

I wish there was an ear to listen to me now! arms to hug me ! and words to reassure me !

But it is my fate to face my worst nightmares all alone! 

I hope next blog will hold more positiveness! 

Goodnight for now!


Saturday, September 1, 2018

From Dream To Reality!

We are born to be learners, inquiring and acquiring is our lifelong mission. The highest pleasure comes with building knowledge and using it to enrich our life experience.
As a student I had dreams of becoming an educator in the future. The future has become the present faster than I expected and on my way to for filling my dreams I keep noticing that " it's meant to be!" Teaching is in my DNA. I have inherited it from both my bloodlines.

While walking my daughter around her campus at U of T, two summers ago, I noticed a building called OISE ( Ontario Institute for Studies in Education). In my mind I was saying "How about I become my daughter's colleague at U of T ?"
I left the thought hanging on my mind! I can't deny I opened their site a couple of times! and two years later ... after so much doubt and effort to reach out for my dream, here I am...

I am now the new student, with my Mom"daughter" walking me around campus and showing me where to go, I feel so blessed, excited and intimidated!

Attending orientations filled with young and restless boys and girls, looking at me puzzled, " what is she doing here?' as I look clearly out of place ,,, so, I tend to grab some useful info and runaway from all the stressful attention.

So, as I walk my first steps towards a totally unexpected and different adventure, I pray that everything goes well! As a team ( my family) we have risked so much to get though this ..... looking forward to celebrate the outcome, with as minimum hiccups as possible.

In my blog I will share my unique experience with you all and I will always be eager to hear your feedback...

keep me posted...

and enjoy life!